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Flight Report

Pirep ID 97 - Flight ACV0406 - (PHNL to YMML)
ACV-Pilot: Pete Fly82
Date Submitted: 06/10/2019
Departure Airport: Hawaii, Honolulu International Airport (ICAO: PHNL), UTC daytimeicon
Arrival Airport: Melbourne, Tullamarine Airport (ICAO: YMML), UTC daytimeicon
Aircraft: DC-10-30F (N412LH)
Flight Time: 11.24.14 (accepted)
Distance: 4797 nm (direct)
Touch-Down VS: -196 ft/min (rating: good)
Status: Accepted

Aircraft Load

Payload: 77892 lbs (46 %)

Fuel used: 198841 lbs (86 %)

Commercial Details
Gross Revenue:
(77892 lbs loaded * $ 18.41 per unit)
$ 1, 433, 991.72 (100.0 %)
Fuel Costs:
(198841 lbs used * $ 5.10 per unit)
- $ 1, 014, 089.10 (70.7 %)
Pilots Pay total:
(Salary Pilot/ACV-Member: $ 741.00)
(Salary Copilot/fictional: $ 370.50)
- $ 1, 111.50
Maintenance: - $ 129, 059.00 (9.0 %)
Profit: $ 289, 732.00 (20.2 %)

Pilot Performance
- Creditable Flight-Time: 11:24:14 (100 %)
- General Rating: Perfect
- NoGo Pilot-Errors: 0
- Small(er) Pilot-Errors: 0
- Flight-Acceptance: GRANTED

Flight Log
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